At Mather Street Primary School, the music curriculum gives all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life by exposing children to different genres of music and providing them with the opportunities to play different musical instruments.
We ensure that the aims of the National Curriculum for music are covered through lessons and experiences that are relevant to the pupils at our school. Each year group has identified composers and pieces of music to explore which helps them to build up a knowledge of the history of music and understand the key features of different styles of music.
In EYFS, the children are taught a range of songs and listen to different pieces of music. They are given the opportunities to explore a range of percussion instruments as part of the continuous provision. In Ks1, the children learn songs and learn how to play the percussion instruments to accompany their singing. In year 3 and year 4, the children learn how to play a brass instrument – usually the cornet. Children that show an interest or a talent for playing the cornet have the opportunity to continue and attend music groups outside of school.
Composition is valued and the children have the opportunity to create their own music through soundscapes, structured composition and by using ICT. We link the themes to topics studied in other subject areas where possible whilst still focussing on the specific musical vocabulary.
The children are given opportunities to listen to live music performed by a professional orchestra in a large concert hall. Year 2 attend The Snowman concert which brings literature and music together and Year 4 take part in the ‘Come and Play with The Halle ‘concert at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. The children join with pupils from other Oldham schools to listen to a themed concert performed by the Halle Orchestra, sing songs accompanied by the orchestra and play a brass instrument alongside the professional musicians.
During their time in school, there are several occasions where the children perform to an audience. Music is a key element of the EYFS and Lower KS1 Christmas productions. Whilst KS1 and Upper KS2 perform end of year shows for parents and friends. Class celebration assemblies include an element of performance and the children that learn to play a brass instrument regularly perform in school for different audiences.
Year Group Overview of Composers
Year Group |
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Musical Theatre Rodgers and Hammerstein ‘The March of the Siamese Children’ from The King and I. |
Musical Theatre Rodgers and Hammerstein ‘My Favourite Things’ from The Sound of Music. |
Musical Theatre Rodgers and Hammerstein ‘do re mi’ from The Sound of Music. |
Year 1 |
Tchaikovsky ‘Waltz of the Flowers’ and ‘Russian Dance’ from The Nutcracker |
Antonio Vivaldi Four Seasons |
Camille Saint-Saëns ‘The March of the Royal Lion’ and ‘The Elephant’ from Carnival of the Animals. (CT can choose to focus on all the movements from Carnival of the Animals) |
Year 2 |
Camille Saint-Saëns Danse Macabre
African Music Tchaikovsky (alive during Victorian Era) ‘Swan Theme’ from Swan Lake |
Rossini William Tell Overture (finale) |
Year 3 |
Dimitri Shostakovich Festive Overture |
Amadeus Mozart A Little Night Music Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony N.o. 5 – Movement 1 |
William Walton Crown Imperial - Coronation March |
Year 4 |
Modest Mussorgsky A Night on The Bare Mountain |
Modest Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition |
J.S.Bach Tocatta in D Minor |
Year 5 |
History of Jazz Louis Armstrong – Dixieland Jazz Oh When the Saints George Gershwin – The Jazz Age Rhapsody in Blue Glenn Miller – Swing In the Mood |
Gustav Holst ‘Mars’ from The Planets Suite |
Edvard Grieg In the Hall of the Mountain King |
Year 6 |
John Williams – Film Music Superman – Superman March Harry Potter – Hedwig’s Theme Star Wars – Imperial March & Main Theme Jaws – The First Bite Jurassic Park – Main Theme Indiana Jones – Raider’s March |
John Williams – Film Music Superman – Superman March Harry Potter – Hedwig’s Theme Star Wars – Imperial March & Main Theme Jaws – The First Bite Jurassic Park – Main Theme Indiana Jones – Raider’s March |
Leonard Bernstein – Samba Music, Film Music ‘Mambo’ – West Side Story Symphonic Suite |